Tagged: life

Why is so much moral degradation?

Early in the morning Son hurries out to go to college, and the Mother rushes back. Son, where are you going? Why Mom? Going to College. When will you be back? Right after my...

Why do we prioritize our self-interest first?

Friend, you care about your own interest, I care for mine, Not just matching our ways, but increasing the gap in between. All the possibilities covered with uncertainty, No freedom in blind life, Estimating...

How can we quit our bad habits?

Dear friends, all of us have some faults and also good virtues, God has given us the conscience to judge those faults and virtues. Everyone loves good things and great virtues; nobody likes bad...


Matin Miah had two times victory in local government election. To win in these elections, he did huge cheating tricks. But the rapacity of power does not leave him. Next election is very close...

Private Tutor

There are many obstacles of our lives slow down our movement and try to stop us. To move ahead in life, every day we overcome hundreds of barriers and this is called life. That’s...

Super Hero

The girl named Kotha once came to know that the person whom she loved, he had actually cheated her. Because of intolerable pain, she jumped from a multi-storey apartment; on the other hand the...


Sometime a small word can make a big impact in our lives. We can think again, we can start again, that beautiful word is “Sorry”. It works magically in our lives. So, we need...

Room number 13

So many terrible pictures can be found in Dhaka Medical College Hospital’s One Stop Crisis Center. Where many injured patients, especially girls of acid burnt, fire burnt, raped, gang raped, stabbed body and many...