Drama: Who is the real friend?
Friendship is the relationship of mutual affection and love. Where one helps another, cooperates each other selflessly; where is no space for selfishness, never try to avoid one another, and never deny each other. But if it doesn’t happen then question arise, “Who is the real friend?”. Let us enjoy a drama in light of this. Here Rezwan was attacked by some snatchers on the way and asked for help from his two friends, but they technically avoided them. Then as soon as the third friend was called, he came to save him. He arranged for his proper treatment in a hospital. Rezwan got well again and realized who his real friend is.
- মন্তব্য: নিজ গ্রাম্য এলাকার প্রতি দায়িত্ব। - November 20, 2016
- Voxpop: Responsibility to our rural area. - November 20, 2016
- জীবনের প্রতিযোগীতা। - November 7, 2016