Interview: Secret of Mr.Rajibul Haque to overcome temptation.
There are temptetions in human life. Man can be tempted for different reasons, which can be harmful for life. The passion to fulfill dream is often seen in human being. Some wants to establish himself in society and is tempted to fulfill that dream. Some people are tempted by involving in various immoral activities and consume him. Some people can overcome that temption and move forward with new dreams by changing the ideology and target of life. We will listen to an interview of “Mr. A.T.M Rajibul Haque”, who is the joint secretary of Central Sub-comitee, Bangladesh Awami League. We will listen to some of his experiences of tempted life.
- মন্তব্য: নিজ গ্রাম্য এলাকার প্রতি দায়িত্ব। - November 20, 2016
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- জীবনের প্রতিযোগীতা। - November 7, 2016