Tagged: the creator

Private Tutor

There are many obstacles of our lives slow down our movement and try to stop us. To move ahead in life, every day we overcome hundreds of barriers and this is called life. That’s...

God Loves Repentant Heart

We never feel good by hurting others but it develops a painful guilt conscience inside us. If we come before God with such hearts, we never get peace. We should think great, as is...

Cloud Morning

As a small crack cause for large structural destruction, such a small doubt can cause a family destruction. Sometime doubting becomes like a disease. So, when doubt comes, first we need to think logically;...

I am the hermaphrodite.

A person is thinking at all times whether they are a man or a woman? Every day, the person faces a ruthless truth. The people around the person became violent; even they became very...

The Mirage

Being tortured day after day, the boy realized one thing that we cannot get the price of honesty, justice and morality from everywhere. Slowly lust corrupts his heart and he lost into another world...


A strange tune she hears time to time and then she feels joy and excitement in her body and mind. At the same time, it seems like a serpent is dancing in her body...

In what you want to be rich?

Haripad das, hereditary father was the last landlord, Haripratap Das. To the end their influence-prestige what was at the end it came down to take the position without land. Running out the estate and...

Poem: Boastfulness.

Boastfulness is harmful for life. When somebody develops self-pride, he thinks himself better and more intelligent, and looks down others. As a result, his talents and potentials never develop; but they also tend to...

Where is the last destination?

One day while walking I met with him; with him means exactly with him. I talked to him one day. Talk means the ceaseless effort to make understand the language of the inner mind;...