Never make mistake by mistake!
Suddenly, everyone around her started misbehaving. She doesn’t understand what the reason is? Her own family and friends have been changing so quickly, she became an unknown person to everyone just over a night....
Suddenly, everyone around her started misbehaving. She doesn’t understand what the reason is? Her own family and friends have been changing so quickly, she became an unknown person to everyone just over a night....
The sun is about to set. College is going to be closed, but everyone waits for this class through the whole week. Just six month the new Bengali Professor has been joined at Bakulpur...
Friendship is such a relationship that develops in everyone’s life. There is none but have no friend. In friendship there is compassion, honesty, unselfishness, mutual understanding, joy, reliance and exchanging love to each other....
Friendship is an authentic relationship in human life. As human being, everyone is tied to another with the bond of friendship. And this friendship influences others in different ways. This can be positive or...
Transparency is one of the virtues of human being. One can be attracted by transparency; trust can be earned; can be made oneself trustworthy. People who are remembered in this world were transparent in...
Watching porn is a secret addiction to some people. So when they get chance through computer or mobile internet, an excitement awake in them. Then they want to find a private and hidden place....
Appreciation is satisfactory and supportive feeling that we can express through our worship to God. And we can express this to our surrounding people by supporting and patronizing them. But the fact is –...
Human being depends on each other. Believing one another and depending on others are basic instinct of people. Therefore, the importance of faithfulness is essential especially for human being. Faithfulness builds good relationship reciprocally....
People are running, back and forth, muddy path filled with flying dust. Exceeding the extent of villages and green forest, people are running and running exceeding the rivers and lakes, mechanized city, life, noise...
The farther you will go my friend The closer I will be your companion In cloud, storm, rain – Or if darkness comes Remember, I am with you As far as you go my...