Drama: Is alcohol a way to escape?
Too much alcohol addiction is not only risky and destructive for personal life but it also brings restlessness in family life. In a busy life, alcohol cannot be a source of recreation or enjoyment – and that is what this drama presentation is about: a gentleman takes too much alcohol one day because he is depressed and wants to ‘feel better’ about his bad family situation, but he has an accident whilst driving his car, and thinks about his life whilst recovering in hospital.
- মন্তব্য: নিজ গ্রাম্য এলাকার প্রতি দায়িত্ব। - November 20, 2016
- Voxpop: Responsibility to our rural area. - November 20, 2016
- জীবনের প্রতিযোগীতা। - November 7, 2016